Thursday, December 25, 2014
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
So you wanna cast big boy spells?
Greetings all,
Long time no post. But I return from the silence of the real world with another random chart post. While not exactly crazy about Last Gasp Grimoire, I do appreciate ability to filter out art & smut. Their role-playing resources are great!
+Zachary Groombridge posted this interesting and rather disturbing chart for magical consequences for those casters who want to go beyond the safe limit of their spells. Nothing says Merry Christmas like horrific Lovecraftian consequences.
Here is the intro to his random tables. These charts are definitely not for the squeamish. If you have delicate ears or you are easily offended, don't bother looking at them.
Long time no post. But I return from the silence of the real world with another random chart post. While not exactly crazy about Last Gasp Grimoire, I do appreciate ability to filter out art & smut. Their role-playing resources are great!
+Zachary Groombridge posted this interesting and rather disturbing chart for magical consequences for those casters who want to go beyond the safe limit of their spells. Nothing says Merry Christmas like horrific Lovecraftian consequences.
Here is the intro to his random tables. These charts are definitely not for the squeamish. If you have delicate ears or you are easily offended, don't bother looking at them.
Do Not Take Me For Some Turner of Cheap Tricks
A mysterious chaotic unstable force permeates the very air we breath, most are oblivious to its existence, but there are those learned and reckless enough to tap into its vastness, and at any cost untold power and vision will be theirs.
Every day the Magic-User will sit down with their spellbook to memorize a certain number of….
Fuck that. A Magic-User’s spell limit is how many spells they can SAFELY cast. Not how good their memory is (or how many spells the mind can contain if you prefer, if that was my problem I’d bring some goddamn notes with me), but how many times they can channel otherworldly energy through themselves before they become exhausted and things start to go awry.
Every day the Magic-User will sit down with their spellbook to memorize a certain number of….
Fuck that. A Magic-User’s spell limit is how many spells they can SAFELY cast. Not how good their memory is (or how many spells the mind can contain if you prefer, if that was my problem I’d bring some goddamn notes with me), but how many times they can channel otherworldly energy through themselves before they become exhausted and things start to go awry.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
So happy to have her back
Dragonquest Frontiers is back in operation. While I may not be playing the game at the moment, I know I will one day return to it. The old girl is a work in progress. I am still enjoying Dungeon World, but Dragonquest is still my #1 girl!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Sucker for Random Generators
It's a simple confession of one who has been gaming on and off for the last 33 years. While I still think I have an ample supply of creative juices, the naming of things has always been a bit perplexing for me. I have my ready to go names on the drop of a hat, but I sure like having my imaginatipon sparked by the result of random generators. I have had some listed on the sidebars of the blog, but recently came across two new ones that I wanted to do more then just add to that list.
James's Random Generators has all kinds of goodies:
WAAZOORAMMA! Ok, that is not it's name but when it comes to generators that is what it is:
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Dragonquest Frontiers eviction notice, Dungeon World flashy new roommate
Alas, sometimes one has to make a decision they don't want to make, but shelling out cash for a website that is underutilized is a pointless reoccurring bill. The old girl had a good 15 year run but she enter the arena of financial scrutiny and suffered a grievous. 15 years was a pretty good run. While I still highly recommend Dragonquest for anyone who want to play a great tactical RPG with some really cool features, the website for it will be closing.
Meanwhile the new girl on the block has been getting more attention. Getting ready for my third session of Dungeon World and I am really liking the system more and more.
Meanwhile the new girl on the block has been getting more attention. Getting ready for my third session of Dungeon World and I am really liking the system more and more.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Saturday, February 1, 2014
New players, new group & a new game.
Sadly i left me bag of dice at home, but thankfully a Yatzee game had enough d6s for character creation. I did think about using the pre-generated stats for Dungeon World, but rolling up characters is part of the fun.
Yuki - The elven druid. With wild eyes, braided hair and weathered hides, Yukie is born of the great forest and has roamed the frozen north. She is thinks that Ceridwyn the bard smells more like prey than a hunter. She is worried about the danger that seems to follow Yori the arcane duelist. During her travels she has revealed one of the secret rites of the land to Titanius the paladin. Her pack mate Mori travels with her and they are bound by blood.
Mori- The elven druid.Wild eyes, messy hair and practical leathers adorn her. She too was raised in the great forest, but has roamed the whispering plains. She is thinks that Titanius the paladin smells more like prey than a hunter. She is worried about the danger that seems to follow Yori the arcane duelist. During her travels she has revealed one of the secret rites of the land to Ceradwyn the bard. Her pack mate Mori travels with her and they are bound by blood.
Yori - The human arcane duelist. Firey eyes stare at the world from beneath a hooded head. Her threadbare clothing and lithe body testify to the demands of life she has faced. She is grateful to Yuki the druid for breaking up a fight that was not going well for her, but she tries to conceal that detail from her. She is a regular training partner with Titanius the paladin. She is worried that at some point in the past she may have killed a relative of Mori the druid. She does not trust Ceridwyn the bard to remain steadfast in a fight and fears she will fold at the first sign of trouble.
Ceridwyn - the human bard. Her joyous eyes, wild hair and well used traveling clothes indicate how widely traveled she is. Ceridwyn is welcome in many towns because of her charming personality. She has adventured with Yuki in the past but often makes Mori the butt of her jokes.She realizes the Yori does not trust her and for a good reason. Ceridwyn's training has made her very knowledgeable about the dead and undead.
Titanius - the human paladin. His glowing eyes, styled hair and fancy holy symbol reveal his passion for serving his god. Titanius is concerned that Ceridwyn the bard's misguided behavior may endanger their very soul. He has a deep trust of Yori the arcane duelist who has stood by him in past battles. While respecting Mori the druids beliefs, he hopes she will one day see the true way. He admires the bravery of Yuki and hopes to learn much from her in their time traveling together. He has yet to discern his quest and the blessing he seeks while on it.
Well there you go. Hopefully you will hear more about them as we begin play in the next week or two. I do find the various bonds interesting and look forward to weaving them into play.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Saturday, January 25, 2014
One piece at a time - Retooling the most recent campaign
This song/video pretty much captures the hopes for taking the current Dragonquest Campaign and turning it into a Dungeon World Campaign. While I am not fan of games that force someone into taking a class, I am not completely opposed to it. I am looking forward to seeing how the first couple of sessions play. We are hoping for less then 60 pounds of paper.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Home Brewed Dungeon World
Knowing that I cannot leave behind the 30+ years of gaming that has been part of my history. Home Brewing a Dungeon World Campaign seems to be in my future. I think the main point of departure will be staring hit points and potential racial moves that a play may earn for their character. I am looking forward to playing a session where combat does suddenly slow down the pace of the game. I think Dungeon World has the power to do that.
If, when and less
More delving into Dungeon World. It looks like I will be rolling a lot less dice as a GM in Dungeon World. Most of my work will be setting up the event/move/encounter/incident and then see how the characters react. Their choices and subsequent dice rolls will move along the event. Not really all that different then what I have done in DMing any other RPG, just a lot less rolls involved. I tend to let the dice determine a lot in Dragonquest, I will have to reform some of my gaming habits but I don't think it will be that difficult.
(The fighter getting crushed by the d20 is pretty awesome.) Now it is just a question of if and when I actually get to play the game. Will it be like so many other RPG's that I have purchased, read, and shelved? We hope not, but if and when must happen before less rolling will occur.
(The fighter getting crushed by the d20 is pretty awesome.) Now it is just a question of if and when I actually get to play the game. Will it be like so many other RPG's that I have purchased, read, and shelved? We hope not, but if and when must happen before less rolling will occur.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
It's all about the questions, (really the story) but as it is defined by questions.
More diving into Dungeon World. It is so different from what I am used to as a GM of 32 years. DW has some elements of play that I am familiar with. One of the things that I noticed right away was static hit points. That is a feature that Dragonquest possessed and set it apart from D & D. You did not gain hit point as you raised levels. You gain abilities and other improvements, but no additional points. The other things I noticed was experience points. DW has removed all the 000's. Often time events in the game give you 1 experience point. 1? From someone who is used to dealing with the lots of 000's that seems really odd. I guess in the end it doesn't matter if there are hundreds or thousands of EXP, just what those EXP allow you to do when you improve.
The main thrust of the game seems to be the narrative or fiction. The game tries to run combat as fluidly as the rest of the game occurs. There is much more role-playing then roll-playing. I don't have anything against "roll-playing", there is a lot of fun and even comfort in the rolling of dice as part of the game. DW does not eliminate that dimension, but it certainly takes it away from the forefront of action. The real action is in the questions that are presented and how the characters chose to respond to them. I think the ideal is that every question deals with real consequences, great or small. Actions should generate more questions, more narrative and then another roll. Tactical placement and turns seems rather moot as along as all the players and GM are fine with the flow of the combat narrative. Of course I think that is the case in every RPG, however DW wants the story to precede the dice rolling and have the rolling of the dice as part of the response. The game embraces partial success as the means for greater story embellishment.
There is no critical hit chart, I am guessing that they prefer the GM to make up the injuries as needed, but I prefer the randomness of the charts. I may have to add a grievous injury chart of some sort in homage of one of my favorite things in Dragonquest. Of course Dungeon Crawl Classic has some great charts based on the players level. I may have to adapt something from there. Perhaps I will work on developing a Fatality chart, something to embellish the death of an opponent. Oftentimes it seems that one just beats down a foe and if no critical or grievous is scored that is the end of the combat. I am not necessarily looking for something gory to add as much as something that makes the end of a foe more dramatic but less scripted. The chart is not something for fighting the goblin masses but rather named adversaries of the adventurers. I do enjoy the randomness of charts!
The main thrust of the game seems to be the narrative or fiction. The game tries to run combat as fluidly as the rest of the game occurs. There is much more role-playing then roll-playing. I don't have anything against "roll-playing", there is a lot of fun and even comfort in the rolling of dice as part of the game. DW does not eliminate that dimension, but it certainly takes it away from the forefront of action. The real action is in the questions that are presented and how the characters chose to respond to them. I think the ideal is that every question deals with real consequences, great or small. Actions should generate more questions, more narrative and then another roll. Tactical placement and turns seems rather moot as along as all the players and GM are fine with the flow of the combat narrative. Of course I think that is the case in every RPG, however DW wants the story to precede the dice rolling and have the rolling of the dice as part of the response. The game embraces partial success as the means for greater story embellishment.
There is no critical hit chart, I am guessing that they prefer the GM to make up the injuries as needed, but I prefer the randomness of the charts. I may have to add a grievous injury chart of some sort in homage of one of my favorite things in Dragonquest. Of course Dungeon Crawl Classic has some great charts based on the players level. I may have to adapt something from there. Perhaps I will work on developing a Fatality chart, something to embellish the death of an opponent. Oftentimes it seems that one just beats down a foe and if no critical or grievous is scored that is the end of the combat. I am not necessarily looking for something gory to add as much as something that makes the end of a foe more dramatic but less scripted. The chart is not something for fighting the goblin masses but rather named adversaries of the adventurers. I do enjoy the randomness of charts!
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Dungeon World - SAY WHAAA?
Been reading through the rules to Dungeon World on the iPad and I have to say I am suffering from a sense of system shock as well as some degree of excitement.
- No combat pulses/turns/rounds like in every other RPG I have played
- Thus - no rolling for initiative
- No need for a map and character placement for combat
- Combat is seen as a continuation of the narrative that would normally precede or follow it.
- Experience point for failure - Mind you I am still trudging through the rules, but thus far the game seems to be geared to EXP based on the advancement of the story, fondly called the "fiction" by the creators of Dungeon World.
- Your beginning characters are somewhat accomplished and not the hapless twits and vulnerable noobs that I have seen for the past 30 years. Unlike Dungeon Crawl Classic which is also on my list to try in 2014, Dungeon World does not seem to view the world as a meat-grinder for beginning characters.
All of this is very different from my 32 years of playing Dragonquest and other games that resemble small tactical battles when the combat unfolded. That combat could become more fluid is appealing, I have tired to telling new players that they are so limited in their moves. Dungeon World seems to promote: "Go for it buddy, but beware the consequences!"
I am a fan of the "sheet" setting the boundaries for one's character, but Dungeon World seems to refer to the "sheet o'stats" only for crucial rolls, ones that move along the events of the story. Dragonquest is my first and strongest gaming love, but certainly not my only game. It's been a while since I tried a new fantasy game, Dungeon World looks more promising than when I first bought the game a year and a half ago.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Taking a peek
As I look at various games to play in 2014, right now I think I like the feel of Dungeon World. I probably have too much residual bias against various renditions of D & D to really want to play one when I could just as well play Dragonquest in an untampered form. Right now I am reading through the rules to get a feel for the game. It looks promising.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
How did I get in the middle of this?
My work on the Blood Moon campaign and setting has often felt like this. Somehow I got trapped in this mess of pipes as I tried to add and clarify more things in the game and setting. That does not mean that I have any intention of giving it up, just that it is taking more time and effort to work out the details then life affords. The real enemy to my playing has been lack of time, while I tend to be a bare-bones type of planner and like to go with the flow created through the interactions with the players, planning for this "Frankensteined" setting has taken a little more time.
Here's to hoping that 2014 affords more time and greater exploration of a hobby I truly enjoy. I think one of my goals for this year will be play/run a non-Dragonquest setting game. Right now Dungeon World is looking appealing to play with a group. I may also take another look at The Mutant Epoch. I think a post-apocalyptic setting could be a lot of fun to play again. It's been a while since I played Gamma World back in the 1980's.
Happy New Year All
I hope during this New Year to emerge from my cave and actually make more use of this blog to share thoughts, experiences and stories on the things I enjoy in life: gaming, music, books and movies. Occasionally I will mention what I love, my God, my family and my friends. Blessed New Year to all those in the OSR community, RPG community and any others who have reason to frequent this blog.
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