Your feel good video of the night
Normally I don't listen to pop much, but this song caught my attention years back and I have enjoyed it and Jason Mraz ever since.
WARNING! Evocative video
Seeing the video once was enough, but I sure like hearing this song when I am out driving. I think the lyrics actually have a good message and the video gets in your face. It's good art even if I don't have a real preference for it. Here is what Nikki Sixx has to say about the song & video:
"Make no mistake when I refer to 'the lies of beautiful people' I mean what I say but I am also saying look beneath the skin. I do not and will not attack the exterior of anybody, but my intention is to pull back the veil on your internal truth. We need not worry if we are black, white, amputated, burned, maimed, a fashion model, or even have the face of Hollywood's latest leading man… We are who we are… Either poisonous and evil or honest and willing… Willing to make a difference…