Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Homebrew Campaign - Ansurmera

       Ansurmera is a fantasy setting in a world reminiscent of ancient Egypt and Sumer but with a decidedly fantasy twist to it. Many of your standard races are there as well as less familiar ones. While I grew up with the standard TTRPG of kill things and take their stuff, with time RPG sessions tend to evolve based on the talents of your GM and the desire of the players.  In the end it is your game, play as you like.  Shared time and fun stories are what the game promises to deliver if played well. It is the seed bed of story writing since you are collaboratively writing one with your fellow players.  

More to come


Thursday, May 4, 2023

Wizards of Control

More corporate overreach by the people who wanted to subvert the Open Game License. 

Friday, January 13, 2023

War on the Customer


The Drama of D & D

WOTC War on the Customer Module 1 - The Ruins of Hasbro Village Module 2 - The Ashes of TSR Module 3 - Ghosts of Williams past Module 4 - The Valley of Microregressions

D&D One Campaign Settings
Nevermore - A world laid waste by greed.
Fukitallia - A world where all the players disappeared too.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

@ Padre's On Locals

 Locals is a great platform. I have enjoyed my engagement over there and look forward to exploring other communities on the Locals platform.   LENT for free membership for a month of posting and involvement with the community. Lurkers can always visit for free and check out things. 


Dungeon World

Of Ireland and the Irish

Of Ireland and the Irish